GMS 200: An Introduction to Theories, Histories, and Methods
This Spring 2018, Joan Walker (Civil Engineering) and Alison Post (Political Science) will be co-teaching Global Metropolitan Studies 200, the gateway course for the Designated Emphasis in Global Metropolitan Studies. The course provides an accessible introduction to many disciplines that help us understand urban systems, both domestically and internationally. The course includes modules on the social sciences, engineering, urban theory and planning, and areas of active interdisciplinary collaboration. Our aims are to position students to collaborate with scholars from other fields and to expose them to new ideas and approaches that they may adapt to their own field. The course will be taught Mondays 2-5pm (749 Barrows Hall). Draft syllabus attached here.
GMS 201: Dissertation Seminar
GMS 201 (the second required course for the DE) will be also offered this spring. The dissertation writing seminar is designed for students who have completed their qualifying exams, and are working on their dissertations. The course is a dissertation writing seminar. Students engage with one another’s ongoing research projects and grapple with alternative approaches to the study of urban processes and problems. GMS 201 will be taught this year by Renee Roy Elias, who recently received her PhD through the Department of City and Regional Planning. It will be held on Thursdays 2-5pm (314B Wurster Hall) and will be offered in conjunction with the DCRP dissertation writing seminar. If you have any questions, you can reach Dr. Roy Elias at her email.